My God, My Father

Disclaimer: I believe every individual is free to have his or her own opinion. I'm stating mine at my own space, you don't have to agree with whatever i'm saying.

I just watched a viral video on facebook and... I don't really know what i'm feeling right now? A lil uncomfortable I'd say. I saw many bad comments. Some, i'd have to say, are quite funny hahaha!

I think people of different religions view their God(s) differently.

My church taught me that my God is like a wonderful Father. And yes, i believe that My God is the best Father i could ever ask for. My pastor even mentioned that i could call him "Papa". And i do. I'm very comfortable whenever i talk to my papa God.

I don't know about anyone else' father but my dad (as in my earthly dad) is a man whose not afraid to say sorry and i am very proud of him for that!

My point is, if my earthly dad is able say "sorry", what makes you think that God wouldn't? I believe my God is a gentle and empathetic papa and I have so much faith that He would not hold Himself back from saying, "I'm sorry you are going through so much that you're hurting and feeling alone" to comfort you.

However, I don't believe that there is another Jesus because the bible didn't say so. And there is only one perfect human - Jesus. None of us are sinless anymore. The bible also mentioned that God will never ever forsake us nor leave us.

With the above, i agree and disagree with the speaker in the video.

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