Melbourne in Words (Day 1, 2 & 3)

I'm here to pen down my MEL experience because it was so awesome i don't wanna forget that memorable trip.

We left Sg on the 7th and landed in MEL on the 8th Nov 2012 after 8 hrs. I slept throughout the flight (except the two meals) so it was okay.

I wrote some stuff on my facebook so i'm going to copy and paste them here instead of re-writing everything... Would help me to save loads of time, heh.

Below are Facebook statuses btw!

Day 1 in MEL

You guys can still whatsapp me as per normal! 

OMG it's 13 degrees here in broad daylight!!! ;)))))

Hahaha! Ok! So we decided to take a Skybus to our hotel and it was kinda a culture shock when the guy made us walk one big round to board the bus. There weren't any one else, meaning no queue, but he still made us walk one big round with our huge luggages instead of our usual Singaporean way - cut through the bars! Lol... No worries, all's fine! We were just puzzled that's all! :)

Loving the weather here! Really quite cold tho its just noon... We just randomly walked into a store becos we were cold & hungry and it was such a nice experience to dine at an unpretentious, small and v traditional jap lookin place! Was happily slurping my udon out loud (can nv do that in Sg without feeling like an idiot!). Shiok mannnn!!! Hid in a cosy store, away from the cold, slurping hot udon LOL :) Will continue to update our adventure here!Arrived at our hotel safely!!! Very spacious! Ok nap now, visiting the city in the evening! Ciaos! ;)

Time here: 10:53 PM! Met up w J's friends and together we had Italian at Papa Gino's @ Lygon Street! According to his friends, the food wasn't fantastic but I felt that the (italian) food's better than Sg's? After that, we walked to Koko Black and sat outdoor to have hot choc on the cold. IT WAS DELISH!!! Omggggg!!! Beats Max Brenner in Sg hands down! P/s: The buildings here are so pretty! So tall and artsy lookin... I realise they use a lot of red bricks!J & I did something crazy! We bought Ferrero Rocher ice cream from a v popular ice cream store - IL Dolce Freddo (OMG SO SO SO YUMMY!!!) and strolled through a park. I think we spent half the time chattering our teeth cos it's actually SO MUCH colder at night! It was FREEZING in fact! The wind/breeze was the killer. We managed to warm ourselves up at J's friend's apartment & it was just so nice, chit chatting w them. Nice people! :)

Took our first tram ride & the driver was v helpful! Hmmm, over here, it's harder to get around i guess (as compared to Hong Kong & Taiwan), more complicated? Also, the walk from the station to our hotel was a lil too quiet & freezingggg cold!!! Victoria Market tmr!!! Can't wait!!!12:21AM here now...
Goodnight guys! ♥

(Miss my girl, Buttercup!)

Day 2 in MEL

Brrr it's cold in here!Ok! So we just finished touring round Queen Victoria Market! I really love the place! Lots of yummy treats -- Donuts, churros & gosh the fresh strawberries here are SO SWEET!!!!! 

We also tried the legendary hot dog with lotsa onions bread! Super huge and DELISH!!! (Many thanks to those who recommended me the MUST-TRIES!!!) The clothes were soooo expensive. Spotted a few BKK stuff and they were selling them at $40 Aussie dollars?! Bought some interesting things for our friends too~~~~ Was surprised to find them selling live ducks, chicks & stuff! They were so cute (but smelly)!! The public toilets' also v clean! I'm very impressed, lol! ;)))

As we were walking toward's J's old hostel (for him to revisit the place), we saw a few interesting shops! First, a pet shop... Loads of lively puppies for sale! The puppies were all playing w each other & making lotsa excited noises, unlike our Sg puppies -- Always sleepy, tired like they have no energy? :/ Then we saw a halloween shop! The clown was really quite scary-lookin. Lastly, we entered a basement aquarium store... Was expecting lotsa fishes but we saw exotic turtles and even lizards & snakes (for sales as pets)!!! 

Ok, getting really tired from all the walking. Update again later!- PEACE OUT! v

Okay from here onwards, i kinda stopped updating my fb status as often becos i was really tired, i wanted to save my hp batt and also to be honest, was afraid that i'd annoy some ppl on my fb.
After Victoria Market, J & i went to the city and he kinda brought me around briefly. Walked passed this damn cute cupcake/cake store... The stuff looked really pricey so i din even bother entering the store. I kinda regret it now tho. :(

Instead, i got this ice cream crepe from Harajuku Crepes. Truth to be told, i expected a lotttt and was a bit disappointed. The custard wasn't good (aiya, the name Harajuku i expected Jap standard ma) but overall when eaten tgt with the ice cream, the crepe was yummy! Yummier than Sg's def.
Walked to the State Library after that and was blown away. Saw many pigeons and seagulls just outside the lib at the grass patch (exactly like how you imagine, scenes in movies and stuff) and fed them, that's right! The State Lib's so gorgeoussss... It's so grand and white and quiet and nice. And neat! Lol.

Okay... Then we had hot chocolate at the Max Brenner. I wasn't blown away. KOKO BLACK'S STILL THE BEST!!! I did some impromptu shopping at BigW at QV (after buying Butter her giant chickychicky opposite BigW). Dresses @ BigW were dirt cheap, like $5 Aussie bucks each.After that, J & i met up w his friend, Bryan, who brought us around city and to the best macaron shop in MEL - LA BELLE MIETTE! So yummyyyyyy!!! Even J, not a macaron lover, liked them! Went to Koko Black after that where Bryan bought some chocs to bring back Indo, and we, too, couldn't resist a 2nd cuppa HOT CHOC for the day. Soooooo good! Taiwan desserts after that @ Dessert Story. It was not too bad! But of cos, the ones i tried in Taiwan were nicer lah. And finally, Ghung, a korean BBQ store, for dinner to end the night. Was not bad! Yummier and cheaper than those in Sg! Was really impressed that each table had its own vent when it'd funnel the smoke away and outta the restaurant and also, keep the fire burning! Nice.

As you can see, we ate a lot in MEL. :P

Day 3 in MEL

Gosh! Just got back! I have so much to update but I'm dead tired & we gotta get up early tmr so I guess I can only do so... Prob Monday? Or after the trip! Ok just a short one for now! Met up with an old friend/senior from MacPherson Sec today (Hi Will! Thank you soooo much for taking us around Melbourne! See ya on Tues?)! Melbourne's cool cos we still get to meet up w our friends and stuff! 

Ok goodnight!!! 

Phillips island tour tmr! FLUFFY WILD PENGUINS, KOALAS AND KANGAROOOOOOOOS!!! (Gonna be damnnnn cold tmr!)Met up with my friend from MPSS, William, and he brought us to this place called Proud Mary (situated a lil off City) for really yummy brunch and cool coffee. It was my first time trying filtered coffee and i nv knew such coffee exist! Will's super awesome when it comes to delicious food. Gotta give it to him. Everything he recommended became our favs in MEL lol. Will brought us to try this famous Lemon Tart. Gosh it was sooooo yummy. I hate sour stuff but that lemon tart was simply heavenly. J loved it too! Then we walked over to The Rose Street Market where local designers/artists display their hand-made items for sale. I bought a photograph (of a busy street in MEL that portrayed good photography skills) for dad. If he doesn't want it, i'm gonna keep it in my room as a souvenir for myself, heh!

After that, we slowly walked back to the city. The walk back was nice as we cut through a huge public park, something that i've always wanted to do (have a stroll in an ang moh park becos their parks are gorgeous). Along the way, we enjoyed the cold breeze and the sight of Melbourne houses. So pretty! Also saw a pond w super cute ducks & lil ducklings, and a couple getting married near the Melbourne Museum w their damn cool vintage cars.

We rushed to Harbour Town where i did some v chop chop shopping! J bought me this pair of Vans HK shoes at 50% off, what a steal! *dance around happily*

Then we went to Eureka Tower, Skydeck (88th level), to have a good view of MEL! The cool tower gave us a clear 360degrees view so we stayed there and witnessed the sunset (sigh, so gorgeous & romanticccc) and stayed on to witness the city lights when the sky turned dark! We also tried The Edge at the Skydeck (gotta pay extra) - where we entered this box-like space and it was all opaque. Then suddenly, some kinda 'grand opening' music played and the 'box' started moving outwards, to the edge. 

Without warning, the 'box' became transparent!!! And yes, we were out there, 'stuck in the box', overlooking MEL. It was really scary at first!!! Imagine all 'walls' - top, bottom and the sides ALL TRANSPARENT! Like a cable car except everything is glass, and without any chairs. If the glass cracks (which is quite impossible), all of us confirm DIE lor. I was so scared that i didn't dare to move, at first lah. After a while, i got better and we even took a couple pic tgt (must buy photo at the counter, photo quality SUX).

Tian hei le yi hou, we went to this restaurant that Will recommended - CHIN CHIN. And boy IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. Thai fusion cuisine. EASILY MY FAV RESTAURANT IN MEL. We order this thing called "Feed Me" where the staff would just choose the best dishes for us and feed us till we give up. Hahaha, i'd say that it was all worth it! So yummy, everything! By the time we were done, it was alr 11pm. We rushed back to the hotel and zzzzzz.

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