Melbourne in Words (Day 4 - 7)

Day 4

We were brought around MEL (bought a tour package days ago, in the city) to visit some farms and the very well-known Phillip Island! I have to say that i really enjoyed myself because we got to see and touch lots of cuuuuute animals!!!

We saw this very cute animal that looks a little like Butter (HAHAHAHA) but it's like a sheep with long neck. LOL, it's called the Alpaca! It spits when it's unhappy!!! One of the three (dark brown color) that we saw spat at my tour guide. HAHAHA! The other two (Butter's color) had better temperament!

Then we saw peacocks! The male ones were especially pretty. The one that caught our attention was a pure white, male peacock! Simply beautiful. Saw some HUGE ducks too. They damn greedy lah! Kept following us around for food. :/

My fav part has gotta be feeding the kangaroos! I kinda expected the kangaroos to be really hot-tempered and kinda fierce but noooo. The ones i saw were so tame. I kinda fell in love with one. I believe it's a she. She's so gentle and lovable!!! I kept feeding & patting her! Oh, and we managed to catch one kangaroo getting angry at another one. It made a "ROARRR" sound like those dinosaurs in movies? I KID YOU NOT!

After that we had tea at the farm's cafe and the butter/cream/don't know what that they gave us as spread for our breads WAS SO YUMMY!!! Tasted like MILK! Omggggg. So light, but sweet & refreshing! Maybe they milked their own cows & made that! SO YUMS!!!

Oooooo then we left for our next destination WHERE WE HAD OUR PRIVATE HELICOPTER RIDE! Hehehehehe!!! I gotta say that it was a damn cool experience. I felt powerful in the sky, and the view from above was spectacular! The sea waves from above looked funny and harmless, yachts looked weird too, like monopoly stuff and the cowssss, lol... THEY LOOKED TINY, LIKE ANTS! Suddenly, everything seemed so small and meaningless to you, from the sky. I can't describe that feeling.

Next up, Koalas!!!! The koalas we saw looked really different from what i thought they should look like! I thought they were supposed to look much cuter - Round face, round body with big round eyes and all but noooo, they look kinda..... wait for it wait for it! ASIAN! LOLOLOLOLLLL! Their eyes were kinda slanted upwards? I was a lil disappointed! They didn't look that cuddly and friendly leh. They looked sly. :/

Then it was dinner time for our tour group and OTOT.

So babz and i had fish and chips by the sea and we were kinda impressed with our food. Actually, i think that the environment helped a lot! It was sucha nice and angmoh-ly experience, LOL.

Yummy ice cream after that!!! Before boarding the bus for our next destination!

Next, we were brought to this cliff (oops, can't find the right geog term) and along the way, we saw wild wallabies, soooo cute! Some look like rabbits, lol! Then we proceed to the peak and had an awesome, breathtaking view of the sunset and the ocean. Ro-man-ti-ca~~~

Finally, the highlight of the tour. We arrived at Phillip Island at night and witnessed how many tiny blue penguins swam from the ocean to land, before waddling to their homes to feed their babies. WHAT A CUTE SIGHT!!! We also saw how the young penguins snatched food from the adults, LOL. Like a fierce lor!

Day 5

Met J's friends, Ash and Peter, for Andrews Hamburgers (v famous burger place) and yeah, we each had a HUGE, MESSY burger goodness to ourselves and it was YUMZ!

Basically Day 5 was simple & nice. We ate, chit chat, then went back to the city for coffee at San Churros & continued chit chatting. I tried the churros at S.C & didn't like it because the choc dip had some orange taste. :/ When it got late, Ash & Peter went home, and J & i continued to KOKO BLACK for another round of hot choc. We love it THAT MUCH!!!

Day 6

Went to the aquarium in the morning and saw loads of fishes, sharks, jellyfishes, sea horses, some scary reptiles (got frightened by some ;/). I was surprised to see penguins there actually. Didn't expect that at all. The penguins were different from Phillip Island's penguins tho (size and colors). The ones at the aquarium were HUGE. Like up to my knees (in terms of height) and they're also all quite fat! Saw some mother-penguins nesting, so blessed! ;*)

We were also very favored to notice two black swans swimming in the river (not in the aquarium, but across the aquarium). I love swans!

We were done in about 1.5 hr and had some free time before meeting William so we stopped for a cuppa coffee (omgosh, coffee in MEL's soooooo good!!!! They take their coffees v seriously!!!) and wondered around Federation Sq and to this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful church just across. I do wanna get married in such beautiful church one day! Went into the church and was even more awed. Fwah.

Met up with Will and he brought us to South Yarra for yummy all-day-breakfast! We dined at Two Birds One Stone and the food was omgggggg. Everything was good. The mushrooms, avocado, smoked corn, fried cheese, and boy the poached eggs!!! Can nv find such poached eggs in Sg because in Melbourne, the eggs they use are DA FRESHEST. The yellow goodness... wahhhh. Even J's sunny-side-up yolk was SO DELISH!

After that we went to this "it" store that sells desserts. Will said one of the patissier's from the show Master Chef, Australia! Anyway, we tried one of the desserts - Raspberry somethin, and it was SO YUMMY! I don't really take sour stuff but that as a whole was good. Because as you eat more, it kinda becomes sweeter along the way.

Then Will brought us to this cool shop called Urban Attitude and i found my precious Boo there. LOL. Know the celebrity dog, Boo? Yeah, J got the official soft toy Boo for me! I also got a cool mug for my dad. The cup has a pair of sleepy eyes... but the moment you pour hot liquid into the mug, the eyes kinda open up (no more sleepy eyes!). SO CUTE! Lol. Thought it'd be good for my dad as he always drinks a cuppa hot tea in the morning.

In the evening, we met up with the rest of J's friends and we had dinner at this korean BBQ restaurant that i highly recommend all of you to try. It's called ChangGo and the famous dish's the 8 flavors of pork set. DAMN YUMMYYYY PLS!!! Really damn nice!!! And cheap! They also have the vent thing that funnel smoke outta the restaurant. Actually J's friends said it's all over MEL, the vent thing.

They have this smart way of saving space. The seats have erm, seat covers where you can open up and throw all your barang barangs inside. When you're done dumping your stuff inside, you close it and then sit on it like a normal chair! So cool and so smart of them!

After dinz, the boys went to play pool.

Said our last good byes... Before heading back to the hotel.

Day 7

The last day was basically us checking out and heading to Southern Cross Station for our Skybus back to the airport. While waiting for our bus, we had lunch at some sucky Jap restaurant. The cool thing about the last day was us finding public lockers that we were able to pay & use for dumping our luggages inside for a period of time while we walked around. Saved us a lot of effort! Imagine us running around with our huge almost-overweight luggages. Meh.

After we were done with eating and walking around, we collected our luggages and board the Skybus. Had our last cuppa (GOOD) coffee at the airport before bidding Melbourne goooooooooodbye!

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