Cray Cray Hair

Those who know me, know about my "crazy hair". :)

My hair is a good ice-breaker btw!

Just today, someone walked up to me & asked me about my hair. I wasn't surprised... I am too used to it, lol!

These are all the questions i've gotten from people so far! :)

1. Why did you do it?

I've always loved bright colours. I'm a happy person and i love happy colours. Ever since i first saw people with bright-coloured hair (e.g. bloggers Xiaxue & Evonnz), I just knew that i would have to do it one day! I don't like to live life with any regrets.

2. Where did you get your hair inspiration from? Anime?

No, no anime and no one. I love hot pink! I knew that i could carry out the color and so i followed my heart! I LOVED IT! As for my current hair, i wanted to touch up my roots before CNY and wanted to dye my whole head bright purple for a change. However, my hair stylist suggested gradient colors and so i went ahead with it! 

3.  Is your hair very dry now?

Thankfully, no. My hair is still quite smooth and healthy. My hair stylist mentioned to me that i have "very obedient hair". She meant that my hair turns pale fast when i bleach it and so, i require less bleaching time than others. 

A tip from me: Always, always, always use a conditioner after shampooing your hair! 

4. Do you get a lot of stares everywhere you go?

Yes, of course. Good stares and bad stares. I always act like i don't know people are talking about my hair. Unless they walk up to me to ask me about my hair!

5. Do you regret?

Of course not! I'm already thinking of the next hair colour. I am happy that, in the future, i can look back and say, "I was a brave, young lady."

6. Are you goth? Are you Ah Lian?

Hahaha, it's just hair! Don't take someone's hair so seriously, please! 

#GirlsJustWannaHaveFun #YouOnlyLiveOnce #YoungOnce #IDoItBecauseICan #DontLookBackAndSayIWishIHadDoneThat

7. What do you think your hair says about you?

I would hope that people see a courageous, young lady who knows what she wants, isn't afraid of naysayers and goes all out to achieve her dreams. 

If not, hopefully people think that i can carry off crazy hair colors lor! :P

If you have any more questions, feel free to comment below. 
I'll try my best to answer them ok! :)

And erm, if you hate my hair...

If you love me, you'll love me.

Goodnight, everyone!

Rest well and Jesus loves you! ;)

SOS! It's Seeds of Sarah! :)

Hey guys!

I believe some of you would already know that my sis & i have decided to set up an online boutique selling ladies' fashion apparel and accessories! We'll be launching our first collection very sooooon!!!

We've been keeping it hush-hush for a while! Thank God we can finally break the news today!!!

This humble business is so dear and precious to us! It's our baby!!! A LOT of hardwork has been put in. Lol. I think i've spent about 10hrs straight, working today. Even during our lunch and dinner break, we were discussing about work, lol!

Although sis and i are both really tired at this point of time, we are really glad to see our baby come alive! We promise that we will be launching very, very, very soon!!!

Do support us, ok? We would definitely need a lot of support from you guys! ;)

Meanwhile, could you please do us a favor by liking our Facebook page and following us on Instagram(@seedsofsarah) and Twitter(@seedsofsarah)?

Do check out the sneak preview that we've already uploaded! We guarantee you that there'll be many more items for the upcoming Collection 1! :)

We thank you in advance! ;*)

Sorry, No Meatballs for You!

Ahahaha! :D

So everyone know about the IKEA meatballs saga already?!

Well if you don't know... It is said that a test had been done and horse meat was found in IKEA's meatballs. They are still looking into the matter so it is not yet confirmed if horse meat was added in intentionally or not.

As expected, Singapore's IKEA had also temporarily stopped selling meatballs! I think it's a smart choice! I mean, would dare to eat them right now?!

Dinner at IKEA, Tampines!

Quick verdict! Chicken wings were so yummeh! Ribeye steak was so-so only... Mushroom soup was not-bad. Of cos i've tried a lot of nicer ones but i liked the fact that IKEA's one had a lot of onions and mushrooms! New York cheesecake's standard dropped a lot!!! Damnnnnn sad!

I was happy that they weren't selling meatballs! Because i might lose my appetite, really...

I questioned myself very seriously after reading the news, last night... If i'd continue to eat IKEA's meatballs if they had really used and would continue to use horse meat as one of the ingredients... My answer is no. 

I love horses far too much! They're so gorgeous and so majestic! ;)

My spanking new 5x5 shelf finally arrived today!
It's a birthday gift from my close friends! ;)))

Thank you, my lovely darlings, for this gift!!! You guys know who you are! 
I really appreciate each and everyone of you! I will handle this baby with care! ;)

Earlier this afternoon, IKEA's delivery & assembly guy came over to install my whiiiiite shelf for me!! So, so happy because my room's gonna be so much neater now! Just look at the number of soft toys i've put up already lol! My clock's only put there temporarily!

Bottom two rows are still not done yet! Actually, i went to IKEA to get more baskets for the bottom last row! The baskets are gonna act like my drawers! Also bought new bed sheets and new pillow weeeee! :)

Actually, i ended up buying other things as well! Lol!
E.g. Cupcakes holder, lovely scented large candles!

I'm using the newly bought candles right now!!!

I bought the bigger version. Not the small ones!
Mine's cherry-scented! ;)


Ok, off to mug! Nights guys! ;)

New Found Respect For Photographers!

I've never been a photographer for a photoshoot before. As a model yes but nv as a photographer.

Today, i finally got a chance to experience how being the main photographer for a shoot is like. My, my, my, myyyyy!!! IT'S VERYYYYYYY TIRING!!! E.g. Had to bend here, bend there to get the right angle, height... (back ache) Had to stand throughout the shoot (legs ache), spot details quickly - like the lighting and/or unwanted shadow, model's make up, model's hair, model's posture.. (Head ache lol) Had to tell the model how to pose... etc...

To all photographers, I RESPECT YOU MAN! ;)

Pics by Andrew ;)
Sam as model, Jas as stylist, Me as main photographer

Thank you, Andrew, for lending us your studio! 
Your house's reallyyyyy beautiful! Thanks for being so sweet, helpful, and kind to us!

Andrew's my assistant photographer for the day! I'm so thankful to have him around to help me with the lightings, etc, etc, etc and for lending me his camera... Without his help, this photoshoot wouldn't be successful!


Thank you, Sam, for taking time off today!!! We really chose the right person to be our model! So thankful you agreed to work with us and even enjoyed the shoot today!  


To my dear JAS!!! Thank you for working the hardest at shoot today! For doing everything!!! For buying lunch and drinks for everyone, for steaming the clothes, for styling Sam, for packing up... Thank you for EVERYTHING! You're the BEST! ;)))))

Meet Racoon! Andy's cat!
Super duper fluffy IRL! ;)

Racoon's a male! He's one of the sweetest pet cats i've met! He's so gentle and tame! Totally not dominant at all... which is kinda unusual for a cat right?! I thought cats usually think that they're the bosses? Correct me if i'm wrong! ;)

And finally dinz @ NYDC, Holland V, to end the night!

I think it was only my second time at NYDC just now? The first time was probably many years ago and i can't rmb how i found the food!

To be very honest, i only liked the chicken wings! The salad was not the best, the burger patty was too dry for my liking and the New York cheesecake was just meh. However, their service was so awesommmmmmeeeee, it kinda made up for the so-so food! ;)

Something exciting is coming your way!


My CNY 2013 Day Fifteen!


I hope everyone got to eat with their families just now! ;)

Ok!!! This year, i'm gonna start blogging regularly! Been years since i last wrote a proper blog post... Lolol. Will try to get back the hang of it ok!

Today's a really special day to me because of a couple of reasons! 

Firstly, it's the last day of CNY and most Chinese families would gather for Yuan Xiao! Yuan Xiao is a reunion dinner which takes place once every year, on the very last day of the lunar new year.

The next reason is.... Wahahaha.... My pretty and capable sis is doing so well in her career and had just received her bonus!!! So she generously brought the fam out for a nice Jap buffet dinner at Irodori Japanese Restaurant to celebrate~~~ Wooohooo! 

Thank you, sis, for the yummy treat! 
May the good Lord continue to bless you in your career!!! ;)))

If you don't already know, I LOVE TO EAT! And if i'd have to crack my brains and make the toughest decision of my life...... which is to choose a favourite cuisine....... I'd probably start hyperventilating and die on the spot.


Ok, i kid. 



It's my ultimate LOVE! Hmmm... Second place should Thai cuisine AND a good steak! Lololol.

Anyway, just a short review... I think that the food was not bad! For the pretty reasonable amount that you're paying, i think you'd be pleased with the food quality and the number of varieties to choose from! Besides, the restaurant is always FULL HOUSE!

Some tips for you if you're heading down!

1. Always call & book beforehand! It's always full house!

2. Waiting time (in between each order) gets longer and longerrr as it gets later. So my advice to you is to just gan gan (be brave) order many dishes at one go and you won't regret! :P

3. Must try their complimentary grilled mentai prawns!!! Each person only gets 1 :/

Btw, my friends always ask me if Irodori or Ikoi's nicer (because I've tried both). These two are always being compared as both are Jap restaurants, offer buffets and are located damn near each other!!!

My honest opinion and what i'm going to say is based on my personal experiences and preference. It's okay if you disagree! :) 

I feel that Ikoi offers better quality food. We're talking about sashimi, yakiniku, tempura, chawanmushi, soup tea, hot tea and even edamame! HOWEVER. The variety at Ikoi's very limited as compared to Irodori!

Hmmm... If i am being forced to choose, i'd actually choose Ikoi over Irodori because i don't need that many varieties of food. I love my sashimis, tempuras and yakinikus. Enough to make me a very happy girl. Yep so i'd choose quality over variety! ;)

Some of the manyyyy food we ordered!

We really over-ordered just now, lol! We usually clear our plates easily but we had so much difficulties doing so just now!

Anyway, other than eating... the Tye Family also loves to take pictures. HAHAHA! So yep, after dinz, we were happily snapping pics with/for each other! ;)

Check out my two lil nephews!!! My da jie (eldest sis) is their mummy!!! ;)

Happy times with the fam ;)
The best meals are the ones eaten with your loved ones.


And something very, very important happened earlier today!!!


My bf, Jon, finally accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior!!!


I'm so excited for us! ;)

Ok i gtg now, photoshoot tmr!

Jesus loves you! ;)))

Irodori Japanese Restaurant
382 Havelock Rd, Riverview Hotel #03-01, Singapore 169629
Tel: 6737 2002

Business hours
Lunch: 11.30 AM - 2.30 PM
Dinner: 6.00 PM - 10.30 PM

Buffet lunch & dinner: $35++ (adult) $22++ (child, below 10)