
Okayyyy. So it's THAT time again... where i get super stressed up.

And as usual, i always plan a to-do-list to cheer me up & help me to press on!


1. Wanna try Royal China!
2. Getaway with dearie. ANYWHERE. Just need to get out & relax.
3. Spend time with my gfs
4. Fat Cow
5. Blog
6. BKK trip with sisters?
7. Exercise... Gain muscles
8. Eat/cook healthy
9. Bake
10. Work $
11. Design a nice blog banner

Will update this list when i think of more........

Trying to Vlog Regularly! :D


New youtube channel for vlogs: Jo Tye

Koh Grill and Sushi Bar

I finally tried the legendary "Shiok Maki" from Koh Grill & Sushi Bar!

Recently, there was a huge hype about this maki on Twitter & Instagram. If i'm not wrong, famous food blogger, Ladyironchef, was the one who caused the hype after blogging about it. 

As a foodie, i knew i had to try it since everyone mentioned that the maki's damn delicious - "Shiok maki is simply shiok"! After months of waiting, my babe Qiu & i finally tried it for the very first time! And it was actually an unplanned decision! We were so blessed to have avoided the usual crazy, long queue!

This is the legendary Shiok Maki! ($18 per plate)

Here's my humble verdict!

My babe & i were so disappointed!!! We had expected a lot more due to the hype.

It was not bad but really not worth all the crazy talks.

There was too much flavor going on that it backfired. I was unable to properly savour the salmon and special mayo sauce because the roe & unagi taste was too strong. Seemed like the unagi & roe team was fighting the salmon & special sauce team (which sadly, lost), lol. Unfortunately, i favor the latter more.

Defnitely not worth the usual crazy queue.

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Shiok Sushi ($6 per sushi)
So the above cost us $12.

The Shiok Sushi on the other hand was shiok! Hahaha!

Surprising tho, this isn't really talked about?

I only knew about this sushi after a friend recommended me to try this instead of the maki. And i decided to give it a shot because that friend is a credible foodie, muahaha!!!

True enough, this was good! It was much better than the shiok maki! It had less rice, more salmon & more sauce! I liked the taste and portion, went very well together.

I suspect most people choose the maki over the sushi because this cost more? The shiok sushi cost $6 each while the maki cost $18 per plate (8 slices). 

The Shiok Sushi is a lot nicer to me!

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars (loss marks cos of price & inconvenience to dine in)


Will i visit the place again?

Well, i would only if i'm just around the corner, for the Shiok Sushi (no, not for the maki) and provided there's no long queue! :)

Please take note of long queue & long waiting time! Usually people wait for about 1-2hrs during peak hours and weekends!

Koh Grill & Sushi Bar
Tel: 91803805
435 Orchard Road
#04-21 Wisma Atria Shopping Centre

Men's And Sports Bazaar

I don't know if you guys already know, but i'm a huge fan of shoes!!!

I love shoes & i enjoy collecting them. I used to buy a lot of killer heels but recently, i'm into... Men shoes.

I started not long ago when i came across Jeremy Scott, although his designs have been around for quite awhile. Because of his collaboration with Adidas, i'm now a loyal fan of his & Adidas. ;)

Most of my shoes are from Adidas. I have quite a few JS x Adidas kicks now. I simply dig JS' designs! I find his shoes so... Me?

Hmmm my current sports shoes are from Adidas Originals and earlier today, i got another pair from AO. Slightly different, not the usual men kicks but from the ladies' lol.

Too cute i couldn't resist!!! Even the bf said that it looked really nice on me!

Got them at a steal! Am sure i'm gonna wear these to death!!!

Next, i got myself a 2nd pair of Hello Kitty Vans! My first pair of Vans were also the HK edition, got them in Melbourne!

JS x Adidas started my kicks addiction, really. From strictly only Adidas, i started venturing into Vans... Because of Hello Kitty, LOL!

Hmmm. Just these two brands for now. I'm not very open to other brands yet, hahaha! Adidas loyal fan here ok!!!

Got them at such dirt cheap price i can't even!!!

Almost got a third pair but decided not to, as the other HK Vans i was eyeing was in the same colour combi as the one above.


To get nice shoes at a steal, visit the Men's & Sports Bazaar happening now till Sunday 14 April 2013 at Takashimaya Square (B2)! Have fun! :)

Spring Hokkaido Fair 2013

Being a HUGE Jap food fan, when i first heard about the Spring Hokkaido Fair 2013 happening right now till 7 April 2013, i KNEW i had to attend the fair no matter what!

So i'm back from the fair and... It was so disappointing!!! :((( The Autumn Hokkaido Fair last year was so much better!

I was looking forward to loads of good food okkkkk! :((((

The cooked food there (think croquette, grilled scallops/sotong, etc) were so mehhhh. Pls don't bother ordering okkkk! Even the instant ramen were ok only. Ippudo instant ramen (that i got from the MEIDI-YA ramen fair) were sooooo much better!!! :(

HOWEVER, i did manage to buy some yummy stuff. Do try these two items if you're a cheese lover!

The best thing about the fair is that you get to try some food before you decide to buy them. Some food only ah, not all ah!

Thankfully, the two food products i'm recommending you guys have samples, can try one! :)))

$18 per box. I got the mixed flavor - Original (cheese) & Caramel cheese

Rare Cheese @ $6 per bottle

Apparently the above 2 different products are very popular! Always sold out at the fairs!

So glad i managed to try and buy them! They're really yummy!!!

The Rare Cheese taste like cheese cake (milk taste's really strong too) BUT... the texture is very special! Hmmmm. It's very wet/dense but yet the texture is so light... The texture is something like whip cream? I was curious so i went to look at the ingredients... Fresh cream! & i think that explains the texture?


P/s: Looks like Royal Pudding but no!!! Super different. Different taste & texture. =)

Taken from Takashimaya website:

Spring Hokkaido Fair is here! 
Check out a wide variety of mouth savouring Japanese cuisine and goodies. 
From 29 Mar to 7 April, at Takashimaya Food Department Hall, B2

SOS 1st Flea @ *Scape!

On the very last day of March 2013, 31/03/2013, Easter (Resurrection) Sunday, SOS had her first flea @ *Scape! :)

I think we did pretty well for a first, despite the huge downpour half way through! :)

I wanna thank the parents for heading down to show support! Thanks Tanat & Ishardi for dropping by and for the nice lil chat we had there!

Thanks, girls, who bought from us and also everyone else who gave us sweet, positive feedbacks about our clothes!

Big, big thanks to my sis, Jas (www.hisbelovedjas.blogspot.sg), for being such a great company and a big, big help! Thank you for working hard with me despite being so sick! Get well already! *hugs!* 

Thanks bro for the nuggets, for taking good care of my sis & helping us out! ;)

And to my beloved bf...

BABY!!! Thank you for always being the sweetest. For sending me to & fro, for helping me lug everything back & forth, for setting up the booth with me, for buying me Gong Cha / food, for entertaining me & even catching the Hello Kitty toys for me (UFO machine)... 

The toys that bf caught & gave to me on Easter Sunday @ *Scape! ;)

I appreciate everything that you've done for me! I thank our papa Jesus for placing a very precious you in my life! Love you sooooo much!

Daddy, Mummy, Me, Sis, My Bf Jon ;)

We are thinking if we should hold regular flea events!

Will you all visit our booth & support us? 


Eng's Noodles House

Hey there!

I haven't blogged in a while because i was sooooo busy with many projects! I'm a lil free-er now so yeah~

I just got back from lunch @ Eng's Noodles House! I got to know about this place cos of my close gf, Qi.

A quick shout out to my babe:

Thank you, dear, for always sharing great food finds! I love you & miss you! Hang out soon! ;)

I don't know about you guys but i always have a hard time finding yummy wan ton mee in Sg. I don't think Fei Fei is that awesome... Pontian doesn't impress me much too. I always find the wanton mees in M'sia super yumz tho!!!

I'm still in the process of finding the best wanton mee in Sg! But for now, i think Eng's Noodles House is enough to satisfy my wan ton mee craving!

The wanton mee comes in two sizes - small $4, and big $5.

You have to request for black sauce / ketchup / etc if you want a saucier base! However, the original flavor is already good enough for me! Chili is stored in a bottle and every table has one. Add chili yourself, if you need some! :)

Ok my verdict!

Overall, I love the flavor of the wanton mee!!! Tasty and has the authentic wanton mee taste, if you know what i mean.

Wantons were tasty & yumz too! Veg was boiled well & has no smelly taste so i finished them all, which is unusual. Lol.

Charsiew was just alright to me as i believe that it could have been more flavorful & fragrant. Ok, i'm actually not a big charsiew fan to begin with.

Lastly the noodles were thicker and harder than most wanton mee noodles in Sg. I loved the noodles taste but didn't enjoy the toughness as i prefer my noodles softer.

Soup was addictive & the chili (that i added in myself) was awesomeeee! Damn spicy & shiok!

I give Eng's Noodles House's Wan Ton Mee a 3.5 out of 5 stars!!!!!

Small bowl ($4) wanton mee may look little but it was very filling!

As the noodles were thicker than usual, i was full despite ordering just a small bowl! 

Medium sized fried wanton ($4)

Gosh! The fried wan tons were so yummy!!!

It was fried to perfection! Hot & crispy on the outside & juicy, well marinated meat on the inside! 4 out of 5 stars!!!!! Must try if you're a big fan of fried wantons like meeeeee!

Barley, $1.50 each.

I like that the drinks came in cute cups / mugs like these! Just made me happy somehow! Barley tasted ok only lor... Hahahaha! Nah, i'm not gonna rate the barley drinks please :/

I have to add that the service at Eng's Noodles House was amazing! I will definitely visit the place for more wan ton mee + fried wan tons soon!!! :)))

P/s: Rmb to put coupons if you're parking your car at the carpark just behind the stall!!!

Eng's Noodles House
287 Tanjong Katong Road S437070
Hotline: 8688 2727