The Number Five

Number 5 is a beautiful and significant number to me. As a New Creation Church member, i believe in grace and number 5 means, grace. :)

Therefore, if you had noticed, Seeds of Sarah's main banner (title) has 5 little dots which represent 5 seeds! You can have a look here. We also used 5 lil seeds for our logo.

Ahhh~ So now you know! ;)

So imagine how i felt when i came across this on Facebook!

5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays & 5 Sundays! :)

It is said that this month, March 2013, we have 5 Fris, 5 Sats & 5 Suns! It is also said that it's extremely rare for this to occur as it only happens once in 823 years!

Do you guys know when did we launch Seeds of Sarah? 

We launched it on the 1st of March 2013!!!

God knows how significant this number means to us and time & time again, He used His subtle ways to reaffirm us! I'm so thankful to have such an wonderful heavenly Father!

I am touched beyond words.

Maybe over time, i will slowly talk about SOS... Our initial plans... What we had first planned, etc, & what happened after that... 

I just found out last Sat, during my photoshoot session, that the studio i'm now working with is also called Seed something. How coincident is that??? Lol, i really didn't know until halfway during the photoshoot!!! I was blown away. 

My God is really an amazing God! ;)))

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