Don’t we all enjoy solitude every once in a while?

Take the longer route home, get lost, but continue to drive slowly. Stay on lane 3, at speed 60km/hr.

Turn up the volume, get lost in your thoughts, and immerse yourself in the music - as meaningful lyrics speak to you.

When you finally get back home, you park & refuse to head out. Instead, you turn off the headlights so no one would notice that you’re in the car. You listen to the current song on the radio, then dragged on to the next 5 songs or more unknowingly……

Don’t we all enjoy isolation every once in while?


Here You Go

"Why no updates from you one?"

Hello there, my full-time bosses / part-time stalkers. :D

I'm an extremely boring person. Please do not bother checking back on this rarely-used ranting space.

& now back to the last book of Hunger Games, Mockingjay.


How I like to spend my free time these days:

1. Watching movies in bed
2. Chilling in comfy cafes over good coffee/tea by myself (Maybe read a book, watch shows or simply just surf the net)

P/s: Need a mani/pedi. N facial.

Working Hard!

I've been working part-time at a quaint cafe for about 2 months now...

I really surprised myself.

Not only do i enjoy my work, i also work hard and think of more ideas to help my cafe improve.

I finally realized the importance of having a job that you find joy in.

I'm happy that i'm making customers happy. ;)

My recent master piece :)


And as she stepped into his bedroom, a familiar scent comforted her.

The smell of rose, the smell of her.

- J

My God, My Father

Disclaimer: I believe every individual is free to have his or her own opinion. I'm stating mine at my own space, you don't have to agree with whatever i'm saying.

I just watched a viral video on facebook and... I don't really know what i'm feeling right now? A lil uncomfortable I'd say. I saw many bad comments. Some, i'd have to say, are quite funny hahaha!

I think people of different religions view their God(s) differently.

My church taught me that my God is like a wonderful Father. And yes, i believe that My God is the best Father i could ever ask for. My pastor even mentioned that i could call him "Papa". And i do. I'm very comfortable whenever i talk to my papa God.

I don't know about anyone else' father but my dad (as in my earthly dad) is a man whose not afraid to say sorry and i am very proud of him for that!

My point is, if my earthly dad is able say "sorry", what makes you think that God wouldn't? I believe my God is a gentle and empathetic papa and I have so much faith that He would not hold Himself back from saying, "I'm sorry you are going through so much that you're hurting and feeling alone" to comfort you.

However, I don't believe that there is another Jesus because the bible didn't say so. And there is only one perfect human - Jesus. None of us are sinless anymore. The bible also mentioned that God will never ever forsake us nor leave us.

With the above, i agree and disagree with the speaker in the video.

Coffee, Cakes, Cafes...

Because i like them, quite a lot, i got a part-time job at a really nice place.

I've never enjoyed work so much before. I'm happy when i work, i work harder than usual... which is a big deal, trust me. It's sucha nice feeling. I hope this continues till next year. :)

Just got home, caught Wolverine. Not too bad i'd say, though predictable.

Alright, just wanted to update you guys. G'night!

I've run out of books to read. :(

A Free Day

"The thought of wasting 30 minutes of her time repelled her. Nevertheless, she went against her will and prepared a hot tub of bubble bath.

Minutes passed, she stripped herself naked and found herself letting a leg into the pool of water. Satisfied with the heat, she turned off the tap and slipped another leg in. Standing in the tub, she lowered herself steadily into the hot water, not wanting to shock her body with the sudden change of temperature. It was perhaps 40-something degree celsius or more. As she laid down and spread her legs out comfortably, she was happy bubbly water had risen to cover her bare chest. She closed her eyes and relaxed as the weight on her shoulders left her. "Ahhh... This is why i enjoy my freedom to do whatever i want so much." She thought, pleased with her decision of having a bubble bath, and never want to give up anything that she has right now for anything else."

- J


These days, i have so much trouble stopping myself from reading.

Ah, don't you all enjoy reading too?

Ippudo Ramen (Instant)

Hi guys!

If you're a BIG FAN of Ippudo ramen like me, you'll be really happy to know this!

You can now get Ippudo Ramen instant noodles at MEIDI-YA!!! For a limited period only.

I got 8 boxes just now. Plus two packets of frozen char siew! Hahahaha! Gonna be sooooo shiok! Soooooo happy!!!

Prices (estimated): $10.60 for a box of ramen, $20+ for a packet of char siew (depending on weight).

Btw, it's not my first time buying. The first time i tried it i looooooved it so much i regret not buying more! When i decided to go back to stock up, i was alr too late! ALL SOLD OUT.

YUMMY. REALLY YUMMY!  Taste like the ramen from Ippudo Ramen @ Mandarin Gallery lor :)

MEIDI-YA is having a ramen fair now till 7th July 2013.

Go have a look and perhaps find other amazing ramen brands that you can't usually get in Sg! :)

Goodnight! x

P/s: Blessed birthday, darling. ;)

Fat Cow

I first found out about Fat Cow last year. Ever since, i've always wanted to visit the Japanese Inspired Steakhouse!

As i'm heading to BKK tmr, Jon & i decided to spend some time together today. We had lunch at the restaurant that i've been dying to try!!! I waited for more than 6 months hor!!! K lah, to be honest, i kept forgetting about F.C, lol... Because i had The Sushi Bar to distract me ma!

I'm sooo happy i finally tried the highly-raved Fat Foa-Gura Don today!!! It was yumz!!! And that's the reason why i visited F.C during lunch hr! For the lunch menu!!! Dinner menu's different from the lunch menu & all i wanted to eat was the famous Fat Foa-Gura Don!!!

Without further ado... Let me share with you pictures of Fat Cow!

This is Fat Cow...



Sorry, i just had to do that!!!

Okok, before i confuse you any further, Fat Cow is the name of a restaurant ya!!!

Fat Cow Sg ;)

I didn't make any reservation today. I walked into the restaurant at around 1.30PM and sat at this open area. I know that they have private rooms but you might have to call and book the rooms.

Set Lunch Menu

We were given two menus - A la Carte menu & the Set Lunch menu (above pic). My bf & i decided to get set lunches.

So we had to choose two sets right? We knew that one of the 2 sets would definitely be the Fat Foa-Gura Don! But we wanted to try something else besides the F.F.G.D (lol) so we ordered The Fat Cow Donburi as it caught our eyes. :)

Jap salad, miso soup, chawanmushi
(Included in the set lunch)

The Jap salad was yummy. Actually all Jap salads are yummy! I haven't eaten a gross Jap salad before, lol. It's the salad dressing la! I always love the peanut dressing that they use for salads. This salad, however, had a different dressing. I'm quite sure they used miso as one of the ingredients.

The chawanmushi was really not bad. It was not salty at all but had a strong flavor - Fresh prawns. I could tell it was made with only fresh ingredients. I would like it a lot more if it's a teeny bit saltier.

And the miso soup! Same thing, it was made with quality ingredients & not the cheapskate method - MSG & packeted seasonings, but, i would like it more if it's a teeny bit saltier, hahaha!

For health conscious people (and peeps who prefer less salty stuff), i think you guys'll love the miso soup & chawanmushi!

Chef at work!

It was fun watching the chef grill our wagyu beef right in front of our eyes!

And now... 

The mains!!!

You see, you see!!!

The Fat Cow Donburi
$38 for set lunch (price before GST & service charge)

Above: Charcoal-grilled wagyu beef with onsen egg & shiro negi!

I thought it was not bad but not as good as the one at the bottom!!! 

The wagyu beef was grilled nicely (we ordered medium). I loved how every slice of wagyu had the charcoal-grilled scent and that the beef was slightly crispy on the outside but tender on the inside. I would very much prefer my wagyu to not be sliced so thinly, though. I like my meat to have some texture when i bite into it :)

The onsen egg was cooked perfectly but the egg yolk (when burst and stirred into my rice) kinda took some flavor away from the meat? Jon & i agreed on this. We would like to taste more wagyu and less egg yolk. Afterall, we were there for the wagyu. 

Overall, the dish would have tasted better if there were more flavor. I rate it 6 out of 10 stars.

$42 for set lunch (price before GST & service charge)

Above: Glazed Foie gras and grilled wagyu beef over rice!

Mannnnnn!!! This was the bomb-diggity!!!

Jon & i took our first bite and we were in awe. So. damn. good! A must-order if you enjoy foie gras & beef. It's so tasty & the foie gras just melts in your mouth!

I rate it 9 out of 10 stars!!!

Chocolate ice cream
(included in set lunch as well)

I found the chocolate ice cream just okay. It has a nice chocolatey taste to it and i also enjoyed biting tiny bits of i-don't-know-what in the ice cream (i suspect it's atapchi) BUT it was tooooo sweet!!! So sweet i had trouble finishing it. (The bf liked it tho, :X)

I rate it 4 out of 10 stars.

P/s: Jon mentioned that the portion (for the don) is pretty small!

* * * * *

Overall, i enjoyed my dining experience at Fat Cow. The next time i visit the restaurant, i probably would just order from the a la carte menu. I don't know if i'm able to order a bowl of Fat Foa-Gura Don by itself but if i could, i would!

Our total bill added up to $104, which was pricey for a normal meal. Our hot green tea cost $4 per cup (before GST & service charge) and it was non-refillable. I thought that was quite absurd. We only realized after we paid, haha!

Do call & make reservations before heading down. For lunch menu, last order is at 2.30PM.


Monday to Saturday: 12PM to 3PM (Last order at 2.30PM)
Monday to Friday: 6PM to 11PM (Last order at 10.30PM)
Monday to Saturday: 5PM to 12AM (Last order at 11.30PM)

1 Orchard Blvd #01-01/02 S248649
Camden Medical Centre
F. +65 6735 7808
T. +65 6735 0308

+65 67350308

Super Moon 2013

I'm so blessed to be able to catch the super moon at exactly 7.32pm just now. It's the largest at that time.

The moon was mind-blowingly gorgeous beyond words. If i could describe it with my limited vocab, i'd tell you that... It looked like a gigantic egg yolk on fire. Blazing fiercely but graceful at the same time. It was a magnificent sight, so calming & peaceful to watch.

I swear my heart skipped a beat and time paused for a good few seconds.

I was a lil disappointed that i forgot to bring along my tripod. But i'm still very thankful to have witnessed that super moment with my bare eyes. And the company... Thank you, Murphy & baby, for accompanying me tonight.

Tonight, i'm feeling extremely grateful & thankful. Our God has made things so perfect & beautiful for us to enjoy. ;*)

Could have been a better picture,
but i'm happy to have gotten a shot to remember that moment...

And tonight, my passion for 
photography burns once more.

Taste Paradise (Dim Sum)

Hey guys!

How're ya doin man? The haze is damn bad, pls mask up, drink lots water and try stay indoors as much as possible!

I wanted to blog after my photoshoot but sigh, becos of the haze, i had to postpone an outdoor shoot. :(

So since i'm free today, heh, i'm here to talk about food!!! YAY!!! Every true blue's Singaporean's love.

Here's one of my fav dim sum places in Sg! Nice ambience, good food and pretty affordable - Taste Paradise at Ion Orchard!

Some of the dishes that we had.
Collated them to post on my... Instagram.

I will talk about those in the pic first, then talk about the other dishes we had (that i didn't snapped)!

1st and foremost, Taste Paradise is well known for their custard bun (bottom row, extreme right pic) and XO carrot cake (top row, middle pic).

Managed to try both and i have to say that the XO carrot cake's SO YUMMY (must order!) while the custard bun is not bad - Not the bestest thing ever but it's... not bad lor! Can-order-material, lol.

Top row: Roasted pork belly (left pic) was ok only, don't bother ordering. Siew mais (right pic) were fresh, i liked them. Personally to me, siew mais can be simple and subtle in taste but the ingredients used must be fresh - Served hot, not dry, no fishy smell, good crunchy/bouncy texture (Y)

Middle row: Foie gras Xiao Long Baos (left pic) were okay only. I'd tell you not to bother ordering. Original XBLs (middle pic) were nicer than the foie gras version. Fried fish skin (right pic) was yumz! I ate the fried fish skin like... they were chips while the bf added them into his porridge! He said it was sucha great combi.

Bottom row: Mini egg tarts (left pic) were yummy!!! Order! Chee Cheong Fun (rice rolls) with BBQ Pork (middle pic) was not the best but still, not bad.

Other than the above mentioned, we also ordered...

Century egg porridge (1 bowl is enough for 2 pax to share), chee cheong fun with scallop, luo mai kai (rice w/ chicken, wrapped with lotus leaf), har gao - These were all yummy, order!!

Oh & some funny prawn rolls that our friend ordered, not yummy so don't bother!

We ordered really quite a lot... 3 boys + 1 girl were filled to the brim and each of us only had to pay less than $35 (refillable hot tea price is already included). Consider the nice ambience (posh lookin settings) and good quality dim sum, i'd recommend this place to my friends who crave yummy dim sum! :)

Dim sum is usually served till 3/4pm (refer to timings below). Do call and make a reservation before heading down!

Taste Paradise at ION Orchard
2 Orchard Turn
#04-07 ION Orchard
Singapore 238801

Tel: 6509 9660
Fax: 6509 9661

Business Hours
Mon – Fri:
11.30am – 3.00pm (last order 2.30pm)
6.00pm – 11.00pm (last order 10pm)

Sat, Sun & PH:
11.00am – 4.30pm (last order 3.30pm)
6.00pm – 11.00pm (last order 10pm)

8th June 2013, Come Join Us!

Hey guys!

I know i haven't been updating regularly... 

Been busy settling SOS' stuff and yessss... We are having our second flea at *SCAPE!!! Come join us this Saturday, just next to Gong Cha! 

GSS 2013 is here so this is a great opportunity to get chio clothes at dirt cheap prices! 

We promise you major price cuts!

After this flea & an upcoming photoshoot, i'll update you guys more about me okkkk! Meanwhile, go watch my youtube videos at Jo Tye (channel name). Did a gf tag with my gfs and it was sooooo fun!

LOVE & MISSES. Wait for me!

A Blessed Day!


I just wanna take some time to talk about my day today.

Firstly, earlier, Jas & I met up with the popular online public figure Maxine!!! She is SO NICE! Guys... we have something exciting coming your way!!!

Do follow Seeds of Sarah's fb page closely!!! And SOS' instagram and twitter!!! Hahahaha!!! It's gonna be a great something! ;)

Twitter: / @SeedsOfSarah
Instagram: / @SeedsOfSarah

And then... i also created a Facebook page for Butter & i!!!

I was inspired by Maxine actually... I also wanna do something to help the dog / animal scene in Sg. I think Butter is able to help me do this... She is JUST.TOO.ADORABLE... and smart! I can't wait for the world to see how different she is! People will be amazed. ;)))

If you love dogs and other animals, do follow us on our Facebook page here.

The page will focus mainly on Butter, her friends and other animal related topics. Sometimes you might see me in the video (e.g. me showing you guys how to train your dog) so yup... I believe it's gonna be an exciting journey!!!


Just now someone said to me that i'm brave by stepping up, creating the page myself, showing my face to the public, and doing this alone...

Honestly speaking, i don't feel alone in this. I have Butter with me and the main focus is her and her friends! I also have the support of my family and friends! Having support from the most impt people in my life means so much and it certainly affirms me in a way? They give me strength and motivation to carry on. ;)

I personally know clueless first-time dog owners and I'm always honoured when they choose to come to me for advice after observing Butter's good behaviour. I LOVE to share whatever i know because i really love dogs & have a soft spot for them! I hope every single dog out there has the chance and opportunity to lead a good life.

If you see the Facebook page as something fun and casual, there won't not be any pressure! So, nothing to be brave about actually... It's just a happy page, nth biggie!

I'll continue sharing whatever i think it's funny / cute / useful to dog owners / lovers. Currently i only understand dogs (Disclaimer! I'm not a professional dog trainer nor any Cesar Milan. I'm just someone who loves her dog so much that loads of homework has been done, lol.) so i'll just focus on dogs first?

Well, yes, of cos if one day the page decided to grow big HAHA, it'll be a bonus! =)

Thank you for reading! Hope y'all had a great day too!

"There is no bad dog, only bad owners."

Goodnight and be kind to everybody (- I love Ellen Degeneres)!

The Sushi Bar - Chirashi Don!!!

Baby brought me to The Sushi Bar to try their chirashi don & after taking a first bite, i was sold!!! Blown away man, blown aawayyyyy!!! I'm now a regular customer!

You guys HAVE to visit this place for the chirashi don! A humble eatery hidden at a corner but it is always FULL HOUSE so please remember to make reservations!!!

The chirashi don comes in three sizes - small, medium and large (which is also called the premium with seasonal goodness like UNI!!)

Chirashi Don (small) $18.90
(A medium bowl costs $24.90)

Premium Chirashi Don (big) $38.90

Bf and i always order the same thing - chirashi don. We alternate between the medium & premium depending on our moods and cravings for the day. Small's really too little for me. :/

We heard from friends that their aburi's really good there (they read from online reviews) but I tried the highly-raved salmon version & thought that it wasn't fantastic.

However, on a separate visit, i ordered the salmon aburi with soft shell crab & it was yumz! :)

Highly recommend you guys to try the chirashi don!!! Many other regulars order the same thing too! :)

4.5 stars outta 5 stars!!!

Go try for yourselves! Please rmb to make reservations before heading down!

Enjoy! :)

The Sushi Bar

14 Scotts Road, Far East Plaza, #03-89

Singapore 228213
Tel: +65 9625 0861
Opening Hours: 12-9.30pm daily


I'm still alive. Hahahaha!!!

Thanks for checking back even though i stopped blogging for a while... I'm currently really busy with some other stuff. Bear with me. I'll be free again, soon! =)

To all my Malaysian friends, my heart goes out to all of you... I feel you.

I hope you guys can continue to unite and not give up hope! I believe with your strong unity and hard work, you guys will be able to work towards a better future. This generation is different from the previous... Everyone will realise it one day.

I believe in you guys! You must believe in yourselves too!



Okayyyy. So it's THAT time again... where i get super stressed up.

And as usual, i always plan a to-do-list to cheer me up & help me to press on!


1. Wanna try Royal China!
2. Getaway with dearie. ANYWHERE. Just need to get out & relax.
3. Spend time with my gfs
4. Fat Cow
5. Blog
6. BKK trip with sisters?
7. Exercise... Gain muscles
8. Eat/cook healthy
9. Bake
10. Work $
11. Design a nice blog banner

Will update this list when i think of more........

Trying to Vlog Regularly! :D


New youtube channel for vlogs: Jo Tye

Koh Grill and Sushi Bar

I finally tried the legendary "Shiok Maki" from Koh Grill & Sushi Bar!

Recently, there was a huge hype about this maki on Twitter & Instagram. If i'm not wrong, famous food blogger, Ladyironchef, was the one who caused the hype after blogging about it. 

As a foodie, i knew i had to try it since everyone mentioned that the maki's damn delicious - "Shiok maki is simply shiok"! After months of waiting, my babe Qiu & i finally tried it for the very first time! And it was actually an unplanned decision! We were so blessed to have avoided the usual crazy, long queue!

This is the legendary Shiok Maki! ($18 per plate)

Here's my humble verdict!

My babe & i were so disappointed!!! We had expected a lot more due to the hype.

It was not bad but really not worth all the crazy talks.

There was too much flavor going on that it backfired. I was unable to properly savour the salmon and special mayo sauce because the roe & unagi taste was too strong. Seemed like the unagi & roe team was fighting the salmon & special sauce team (which sadly, lost), lol. Unfortunately, i favor the latter more.

Defnitely not worth the usual crazy queue.

Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Shiok Sushi ($6 per sushi)
So the above cost us $12.

The Shiok Sushi on the other hand was shiok! Hahaha!

Surprising tho, this isn't really talked about?

I only knew about this sushi after a friend recommended me to try this instead of the maki. And i decided to give it a shot because that friend is a credible foodie, muahaha!!!

True enough, this was good! It was much better than the shiok maki! It had less rice, more salmon & more sauce! I liked the taste and portion, went very well together.

I suspect most people choose the maki over the sushi because this cost more? The shiok sushi cost $6 each while the maki cost $18 per plate (8 slices). 

The Shiok Sushi is a lot nicer to me!

Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars (loss marks cos of price & inconvenience to dine in)


Will i visit the place again?

Well, i would only if i'm just around the corner, for the Shiok Sushi (no, not for the maki) and provided there's no long queue! :)

Please take note of long queue & long waiting time! Usually people wait for about 1-2hrs during peak hours and weekends!

Koh Grill & Sushi Bar
Tel: 91803805
435 Orchard Road
#04-21 Wisma Atria Shopping Centre

Men's And Sports Bazaar

I don't know if you guys already know, but i'm a huge fan of shoes!!!

I love shoes & i enjoy collecting them. I used to buy a lot of killer heels but recently, i'm into... Men shoes.

I started not long ago when i came across Jeremy Scott, although his designs have been around for quite awhile. Because of his collaboration with Adidas, i'm now a loyal fan of his & Adidas. ;)

Most of my shoes are from Adidas. I have quite a few JS x Adidas kicks now. I simply dig JS' designs! I find his shoes so... Me?

Hmmm my current sports shoes are from Adidas Originals and earlier today, i got another pair from AO. Slightly different, not the usual men kicks but from the ladies' lol.

Too cute i couldn't resist!!! Even the bf said that it looked really nice on me!

Got them at a steal! Am sure i'm gonna wear these to death!!!

Next, i got myself a 2nd pair of Hello Kitty Vans! My first pair of Vans were also the HK edition, got them in Melbourne!

JS x Adidas started my kicks addiction, really. From strictly only Adidas, i started venturing into Vans... Because of Hello Kitty, LOL!

Hmmm. Just these two brands for now. I'm not very open to other brands yet, hahaha! Adidas loyal fan here ok!!!

Got them at such dirt cheap price i can't even!!!

Almost got a third pair but decided not to, as the other HK Vans i was eyeing was in the same colour combi as the one above.


To get nice shoes at a steal, visit the Men's & Sports Bazaar happening now till Sunday 14 April 2013 at Takashimaya Square (B2)! Have fun! :)

Spring Hokkaido Fair 2013

Being a HUGE Jap food fan, when i first heard about the Spring Hokkaido Fair 2013 happening right now till 7 April 2013, i KNEW i had to attend the fair no matter what!

So i'm back from the fair and... It was so disappointing!!! :((( The Autumn Hokkaido Fair last year was so much better!

I was looking forward to loads of good food okkkkk! :((((

The cooked food there (think croquette, grilled scallops/sotong, etc) were so mehhhh. Pls don't bother ordering okkkk! Even the instant ramen were ok only. Ippudo instant ramen (that i got from the MEIDI-YA ramen fair) were sooooo much better!!! :(

HOWEVER, i did manage to buy some yummy stuff. Do try these two items if you're a cheese lover!

The best thing about the fair is that you get to try some food before you decide to buy them. Some food only ah, not all ah!

Thankfully, the two food products i'm recommending you guys have samples, can try one! :)))

$18 per box. I got the mixed flavor - Original (cheese) & Caramel cheese

Rare Cheese @ $6 per bottle

Apparently the above 2 different products are very popular! Always sold out at the fairs!

So glad i managed to try and buy them! They're really yummy!!!

The Rare Cheese taste like cheese cake (milk taste's really strong too) BUT... the texture is very special! Hmmmm. It's very wet/dense but yet the texture is so light... The texture is something like whip cream? I was curious so i went to look at the ingredients... Fresh cream! & i think that explains the texture?


P/s: Looks like Royal Pudding but no!!! Super different. Different taste & texture. =)

Taken from Takashimaya website:

Spring Hokkaido Fair is here! 
Check out a wide variety of mouth savouring Japanese cuisine and goodies. 
From 29 Mar to 7 April, at Takashimaya Food Department Hall, B2

SOS 1st Flea @ *Scape!

On the very last day of March 2013, 31/03/2013, Easter (Resurrection) Sunday, SOS had her first flea @ *Scape! :)

I think we did pretty well for a first, despite the huge downpour half way through! :)

I wanna thank the parents for heading down to show support! Thanks Tanat & Ishardi for dropping by and for the nice lil chat we had there!

Thanks, girls, who bought from us and also everyone else who gave us sweet, positive feedbacks about our clothes!

Big, big thanks to my sis, Jas (, for being such a great company and a big, big help! Thank you for working hard with me despite being so sick! Get well already! *hugs!* 

Thanks bro for the nuggets, for taking good care of my sis & helping us out! ;)

And to my beloved bf...

BABY!!! Thank you for always being the sweetest. For sending me to & fro, for helping me lug everything back & forth, for setting up the booth with me, for buying me Gong Cha / food, for entertaining me & even catching the Hello Kitty toys for me (UFO machine)... 

The toys that bf caught & gave to me on Easter Sunday @ *Scape! ;)

I appreciate everything that you've done for me! I thank our papa Jesus for placing a very precious you in my life! Love you sooooo much!

Daddy, Mummy, Me, Sis, My Bf Jon ;)

We are thinking if we should hold regular flea events!

Will you all visit our booth & support us? 


Eng's Noodles House

Hey there!

I haven't blogged in a while because i was sooooo busy with many projects! I'm a lil free-er now so yeah~

I just got back from lunch @ Eng's Noodles House! I got to know about this place cos of my close gf, Qi.

A quick shout out to my babe:

Thank you, dear, for always sharing great food finds! I love you & miss you! Hang out soon! ;)

I don't know about you guys but i always have a hard time finding yummy wan ton mee in Sg. I don't think Fei Fei is that awesome... Pontian doesn't impress me much too. I always find the wanton mees in M'sia super yumz tho!!!

I'm still in the process of finding the best wanton mee in Sg! But for now, i think Eng's Noodles House is enough to satisfy my wan ton mee craving!

The wanton mee comes in two sizes - small $4, and big $5.

You have to request for black sauce / ketchup / etc if you want a saucier base! However, the original flavor is already good enough for me! Chili is stored in a bottle and every table has one. Add chili yourself, if you need some! :)

Ok my verdict!

Overall, I love the flavor of the wanton mee!!! Tasty and has the authentic wanton mee taste, if you know what i mean.

Wantons were tasty & yumz too! Veg was boiled well & has no smelly taste so i finished them all, which is unusual. Lol.

Charsiew was just alright to me as i believe that it could have been more flavorful & fragrant. Ok, i'm actually not a big charsiew fan to begin with.

Lastly the noodles were thicker and harder than most wanton mee noodles in Sg. I loved the noodles taste but didn't enjoy the toughness as i prefer my noodles softer.

Soup was addictive & the chili (that i added in myself) was awesomeeee! Damn spicy & shiok!

I give Eng's Noodles House's Wan Ton Mee a 3.5 out of 5 stars!!!!!

Small bowl ($4) wanton mee may look little but it was very filling!

As the noodles were thicker than usual, i was full despite ordering just a small bowl! 

Medium sized fried wanton ($4)

Gosh! The fried wan tons were so yummy!!!

It was fried to perfection! Hot & crispy on the outside & juicy, well marinated meat on the inside! 4 out of 5 stars!!!!! Must try if you're a big fan of fried wantons like meeeeee!

Barley, $1.50 each.

I like that the drinks came in cute cups / mugs like these! Just made me happy somehow! Barley tasted ok only lor... Hahahaha! Nah, i'm not gonna rate the barley drinks please :/

I have to add that the service at Eng's Noodles House was amazing! I will definitely visit the place for more wan ton mee + fried wan tons soon!!! :)))

P/s: Rmb to put coupons if you're parking your car at the carpark just behind the stall!!!

Eng's Noodles House
287 Tanjong Katong Road S437070
Hotline: 8688 2727

5 Things I Do NOT Like to Share


Today, I'm in the mood to ramble... So this post will be kinda random, just some of my thoughts! :)

Y'know people are always saying that good things are meant to be shared? I only agree to a certain extent... How about you guys?

There are some good things that i do not like to share! Hey, i'm just being honest! :)

5 Things I Do NOT Like to Share

1. My man / bf
No need to explain. However, i don't mind his fam / bros of cos! :)

2. My scent
I don't know about you guys but i think that i won't feel comfortable if my close friends smell like me.  Thankfully, my gfs & i use different perfumes! :)

3. Secret spot / hangout
I'm actually a pretty private person. But aiya, i usually end up sharing anyway. :/

4. My best / good friend(s)
I don't like to share my bff / good friends with the people that i dislike. It's just uncomfortable la... And i believe a good bff / friend should stand by you & not the other person.

5. Certain type of shoes?
Hygiene la. Y'know those tight pumps with no openings / cannot air feet one? Feet confirm sweat like mad & become very smelly! Sometimes you can even see sweat stains or black dirt... LOL!!! Hmmmm... Unless it's those rubbery type? (e.g. Crocs) Cos can wash! :D

* * * * *

Hahaha! I really enjoyed writing this post! I shall ask some gfs another time what are 5 things that they do not like to share! Gonna be interesting! :)

The Number Five

Number 5 is a beautiful and significant number to me. As a New Creation Church member, i believe in grace and number 5 means, grace. :)

Therefore, if you had noticed, Seeds of Sarah's main banner (title) has 5 little dots which represent 5 seeds! You can have a look here. We also used 5 lil seeds for our logo.

Ahhh~ So now you know! ;)

So imagine how i felt when i came across this on Facebook!

5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays & 5 Sundays! :)

It is said that this month, March 2013, we have 5 Fris, 5 Sats & 5 Suns! It is also said that it's extremely rare for this to occur as it only happens once in 823 years!

Do you guys know when did we launch Seeds of Sarah? 

We launched it on the 1st of March 2013!!!

God knows how significant this number means to us and time & time again, He used His subtle ways to reaffirm us! I'm so thankful to have such an wonderful heavenly Father!

I am touched beyond words.

Maybe over time, i will slowly talk about SOS... Our initial plans... What we had first planned, etc, & what happened after that... 

I just found out last Sat, during my photoshoot session, that the studio i'm now working with is also called Seed something. How coincident is that??? Lol, i really didn't know until halfway during the photoshoot!!! I was blown away. 

My God is really an amazing God! ;)))

Dessert Gang @ Chock Full of Beans!

Finally, the busy friends & i caught up with each other over dinner & coffee!

A brief intro of the beloved Dessert Gang, lol! D.G = Cheris (Rishy), Cedric (Ced), Lily & iiiiii! We were classmates during our lower secondary school days & this year, we turn 10!!! Time flies... ;*)

I'm so thankful to God for placing them into my life!!!

Thank you guys for all the good & the bad! 
I'm so happy you guys are still by my side. ;)

Dinner was sooooo mehhhh that i'm not even gonna talk about it.

Let's skip to coffee, weeee!

* * * * *

Coffee was at Chock Full of Beans! Been dying to visit the place & i finally did so! Coffee is never awesome without a good company, don't you think so? I'm really glad D.G was there with me to make my first visit such a memorable one!

I can safely say that the 4 of us didn't expect C.F.O.B to be located at a HDB area. We expected a larger floor space & thought that the cafe was located at a more quiet district.

I have to admit that i was a lil taken aback & disappointed (with the location & size of the cafe) in the beginning but love for the cosy hideout started brewing as minutes passed... It must have been the lovely staff & good coffee!!!

Great choice of wall color & texture.
Cosy, cosy! ;)

Well known for their coffee art, they succeeded in making us happy! 

Just look!!!

Cedric's caramel latte - Despicable Me's Minion

My cappuccino - My Melody

Rishy's cappuccino - Totoro

My 2nd cup, latte - Hello Kitty


I enjoyed the coffee so much that i ordered two cups for myself! 

What i liked most about the coffee is that it was very fragrant yet not overly bitter (i didn't add any sugar to my coffee btw). Loved the biscuit that came along with the coffee. Absolutely loved the coffee art even more! Price's reasonable to me - $4.50 for a regular cup!

I'd recommend this place if you're looking for a simple place to catch up with your friends over coffee! Do note that they do not sell a wide range of desserts (currently, only 2 cakes) & i heard that their food's just mediocre! Perhaps the next time i visit, i'll try out some food & let you guys know my honest review! ;)

Chock Full of Beans

Blk 4 Changi Village Rd #01-209

Tel: 62148839

Operating Hours  

Tue – Fri: 11:00 – 22:00  

Sat – Sun: 09:00 – 22:00

Four 23-yr-olds playing sparklers @ the playground

Hahaha, to celebrate Ced's scholarship, 3 of us decided to surprise him with a simple 'celebration' at a playground near Rishy's place! 

Just imagine four of us with our lit sparklers jumping around and shouting "SCHOLARSHIP! SCHOLARSHIP!" Lolllllll. Seriously, till today, we still don't behave our age!!!

Ced, we are sooooo proud of youuuuuu! Jia you! Continue to work smart & do all of us proud!

And D.G, please remember our lil coffee cheer @ Chock Full of Beans --- "WE WILL BE RICH!" ;))))